Celebration of Victory - Women of Hope

Hello Women of Hope -

I am so excited about our groundbreaking Gathering Saturday, October 19th. An eVITE was sent to your inbox. from robinposgay@gmail.com

Invite and bring your friends!!

This gathering is going to be a Celebration of Victory. It will be great time of warm, friendly fellowship with like-minded, strong Women of Hope who have overcome by the blood of the lamb! We'll enjoy coffee together and some yummy delights amidst our worship as we Raise a Hallelujah together. You will leave refreshed, empowered and connected! God has good stuff in store for you.

Reports come in daily from my friends that God is stirring hearts and answering prayer. Its an urgent moment to mobilize our gifts and callings, make good use of every day, fulfilling the mandate on our lives.

I often think of Sara, Isaac's mother. She missed what God was trying to do with her and through her! She did not recognize the immense mantle on Abraham and even laughed at God. Let's inventory our lives and discover the purpose God has put in us to complete HIS purpose on the earth!

Your testimony, comments and prayer requests are always welcomed!! Please save my cell #281-467-1717. I accept text messages.

OK - I will look for you on Saturday, the 19th! Push beyond the obstacles and meet me there!

Forever grateful,


Amory Stephenson