Green Signifies Safety

Our objective of the WEFEED program has expanded. We currently help feed about 2500 children a month on 3 Continents. Our well trained teams oversee these efforts to provide food and also Discipleship. Many children have been baptized and are growing in their faith.

Did you know that the color GREEN indicates safety?

Our teams are:

  • Wearing green

  • Posting Green signs

  • Using a Big Green Dot at our feeding locations so that children know they can run to safety when threatened

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Next steps:

  1. RAISE AWARENESS in Government Agencies, Schools, among families and other public platforms.

  2. SAFE PLACES for children to receive help and escape abductors!!

Mexico has the highest abduction rate just under Syria. Children are abandoned as a result of their parents untimely deaths or abandonment due to extreme poverty.

We are fighting to save a generation of children; first in Mexico and then to the other nations. where God has planted us. Violence and corruption have so tainted the minds of the people causing a grave deterioration in the quality of life that it is difficult to describe. There is a gloom over the people brought on by fear. For the most part, they have no recourse. This is a blatant example of what happens when oppression rules!!

We need your partnership. I humbly ask you to consider Hope4Them as your partner in the global harvest.

Amory Stephenson